Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test NNAT2 Grade 1 Level B Test Preparation

Visuprep provides online NNAT2 Level B Grade 1 test prep software which helps prepare for the NNAT®-2 (second edition) tests published by Pearson Education (which are taken by first graders). Each NNAT2 prep test costs $20 for one year’s membership, and contains 48 questions. To help with NNAT preparation and practice for grade 1 NNAT (Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test) tests, each prep test comes with explanations for (in addition to answers to) the test questions.

Video Explanation of a Reasoning By Analogy Question

Visuprep’s NNAT software contains written explanations for the questions.

Below, we have provided a video (in English and Spanish) on how to solve a reasoning by analogy question.

English version:


Spanish version:


NNAT2 Level B Grade 1 Prep Test Demo Software

Note that you can expand (enlarge) the size of the text and images in the NNAT prep test demo software on a mobile or tablet by using pinch-to-zoom. Pinch-to-zoom is when you place your thumb and a finger close together on the screen and move them apart without lifting them from the screen. To reduce the size of the text and images in the NNAT2 test prep demo software, place your thumb and a finger a little distance apart on the screen and move them toward each other without lifting them from the screen.

Click on the links below to run the NNAT2 Grade 1 demo prep tests.
The untimed test has answers immediately after each question, the timed test has answers at the end of the test.

NNAT2 Grade 1 Level B Prep Test Demo (Untimed)

NNAT2 Grade 1 Level B Prep Test Demo (Timed)

A pdf file of the sample questions in the NNAT Grade 1 test prep demo, together with the answers, is available by clicking on the link below:

Visuprep NNAT2 Level B Grade 1 Sample Questions PDF

The sample questions that appear in our Grade 1 NNAT2 test prep demo software are shown below.

Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test®, NNAT®-2 and NNAT®3 are registered trademarks of Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s), or their licensors. Visuteach and its website,, are not affiliated with nor authorized, sponsored or otherwise approved by Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates.